17 Year Locust

Location: Our kitchen table

Equipment:  Canon EOS D30, 100 mm macro lens.

Digital imaging/manipulation: Slight exposure adjustment.

Notes: I know, its really a cicada. Every 17 years there is a big hatch in the midwest. Since they do little plant damage, don't bite, and are largely just lookin' for love, they are fairly popular. Some people go around scooping them up to relocate them closer to their homes, but they'll have to wait 17 years for their return. Esther found this one on a shopper's shoulder as she stood in line at the grocery. With the shopper's permission, she brought it home so we could get some closeups. This one was released to continue it's search for a mate. Of note, one guy actually fried up a batch and ate them. We haven't heard from him since.


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